I facilitate care in the workplace
I always sign off with Take care. And I mean it.
Caring is a deep-rooted word. Our capacity for giving and receiving care as humans is incredible, yet we tend to tap out early, especially when it comes to our work-lives. Instead, we use a lot of energy to armour up, fighting against a very natural...and needed.. tendency to care for others , and let’s not forget, ourselves.
I grew up in the 70’s: striped T-shirts, tube socks, velour wide-leg pants and (to this day), unruly hair. I often had neighbourhood kids showing up at my front door with knee-scrapes, bumps and bruises, asking for band-aids, ice packs and if available, a cold glass of frozen-from-concentrate orange juice. It was like I manned a small field hospital. I always delivered.
As an adult, I’ve had to learn how to be ok with taking care of myself. This has taken years of uncomfortable deconstruction, discovery and daily intention. I take my values seriously
Rejuvenation looks like me riding my mountain bike on a sweaty trail.
Harmony comes from an hour spent in quiet meditation each morning.
Humanity looks like extending a hand to our Vancouver homeless population by way of our Friday 50’s food and clothing drives.
100% Me sounds like me speaking up and speaking out, even when it feels hard to do so.

I first started developing Leaders & Teams in 1999. At that time, I focused on what I now refer to as on the ice training: Time Management, Negotiation Skills, & Conflict Management, to name a few. I soon realized that the learnings from these workshops were only sustainable when there was a desire from the learner to look inward, check in on their humaness and change their behaviour. Rather than focus on abundance, connection and possibility, the workshops I facilitated felt more like the acute care I provided as a kid! We all know, band-aids are temporary. As I delved deeper in my personal growth, my programs began to evolve.
Cue my passion and interest in Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence is our ability to think about how we are feeling and do something about it. I am a certified EQ-i practitioner.
In the workplace, this looks like Self-awareness & Great Leadership; Interpersonal Skills & Project Management; Empathy & Trusting Teams; Impulse Control & Decision Making; and Stress Tolerance & Time Management.